Remember the 5 marathons we’ve run together? I didn’t blame you for the recent calve cramping. You did all you could.
Remember how happy I was when I transitioned from the Adidas Response line to my first Asics, the GT 2090’s? I felt like I was bounding on springs with a built in air conditioning unit.
I’d steal you away for walks in the park even though…shhhh…I wasn’t going to do any running. We’d just walk with my foot nestled in your supportive, cushioned embrace crunching daisies, twigs and, occasionally, the fragile, rotting skull of a dead squirrel.
Those were the days.
But you’ve changed. Your mid sole is harder. I don’t feel your cushiony softness anymore. I don’t feel your snug but roomy embrace as much.
I’m thinking about a trial separation.
I know you’ve seen me caressing the sleek curves and texture of the Nimbus line in the shoe department. I could feel your jealous tugging on the laces as I bent, twisted and molested the Nimbus’ sole.

Nimbus IX
It must be hard for you. I’m not saying it’s permanent. My shoe needs have just changed.
Basically, it’s not you*. It’s me.
* My shoes are unable to read footnotes so, at this point, I’d like to emphasize it IS them and NOT me. Maybe if they didn’t start feeling like I’m wearing flippers and SLAP, SLAP, SLAP across the sidewalk, I wouldn’t be in the market for new shoes. The GT 2130’s walked out on me first.
My knee swelling subsided in time for Saturday's impromptu 6 miler. The neck pain remains. And it's a real pain in the...ass (what? too easy?)
My summer of speed continues with hard 800's in the 3-5 mile range and fartlek style weekend long runs in the 8-10 mile range. So far, I've been able to get my 800m times under 3 minutes consistently but just barely and I'm plateauing a bit. Work continues...
Congratulations to Vanilla for obliterating his 10k PR time!
Thanks for leaving the footnote. Momentarily got caught up in the moment and started thinking about my first, long ago estranged, running shoes. Ahh the sweet sweet memories.
Alas, they screwed me, too!
I usually have amicable break-ups with my shoes. In fact, I still run in my old pair of Asics 2110's every now and then. Does that make them my f@#k buddies or just friends with benefits?
Anyway, I'm currently two timing my Asics GT 2130s with my Pearl Izumis.
Thanks for the funny post. I needed a good dose of your humor this morning.
And Asics R-O-C-K!!!!!!
I had a love affair with the Nimbus once. We ran a marathon together. But then they changed their style and we were no longer a good match. I'm happy they found a new match (as I returned to my ex, the Adidas Supernova, almost immediately). Treat 'em well.
(and ryc: I'm still laughing to tears thinking about Dieter)
HAHAHA! I hope you and the GT's can still be friends. Maybe do some yardwork togther or sumfin'.
Gotta love the Nitmos Nimbus sounds like the couple of the year.
How about you really break their heart and roll with Nikes :P They're hot and they put out on the first date.
Mizunos are my favorite and I can't say they've ever walked out on me.
I can hear the 2130's right now... "I will NOT be ignored!"
Be careful, Nitmos. Hell hath no fury like a pair of Asics scorned. Best keep your pet bunnies safely locked up.
Nitmost, can I set you up with my friend the Asics 3000?
I run with Adidas...not proud of them, because they give me blisters on my right big toe, but they were practically free, so I'm just wearing them down until I can bring myself to shell out for something else...
Let's call them my 'rebound' shoes.
Saucony rules the WORLD !!! I *heart* your post on this one. Really cracked me up!
Ha ha...
I run with the Gel Nimrods. They've been good to me. We've been going steady for awhile...
I was and kinda still am a favorite of the 2*** series, I've been in them since they were 2040s I think, but last year I switched it up to Kayanos and got the bounce back, the new 14s are even better than the 13s and now with two pairs in rotation I can get an extra 75-100 miles per pair, closer to 400, so that eases the extra cost
I used to run daily in the morning and I have 2 pair of Asics running shoes, those are much comfy and provide some positive energy to my feet.
Nimbus is close to Nitmos so it must be destined. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am extremely busy right now...In office at 730AM, leaving at 700PM, so maybe need to start running at 1000PM. The peanut butter cookies, now that is even tougher.
I feel somewhat dirty after reading that.
Great post, I can totally relate.
I’ve run off and on in Asics and the do like to play around.
I pulled the sock liner out of the Nimbus and saw the outsole, felt like a brick. Not sure who is running(pun intended) show at Asics anymore.
A good alternative are Mizuno’s the fit the same foot and you get the slightly refreshing feeling of a new and different pair of shoes.
I left my Nimbii for a pair of 2130s...and the 2130s started screwing around on me and gave me crabs. The rat bastards.
I am now back in the loving arms (arches?) of the Nimbus and we have never been happier.
Ahh the Asics. We had a pretty ugly falling out about a year ago, when you bro-in-law got a job at a new balance store. I still pour salt in the asics wounds every time i mow the lawn. what was once a proud shoe is now green from toe to heel. muahahahahahha
still hammering away on don quixote, huh.
At the risk of sounding like a Nimbus nerd... the pic you've posted is of the Nimbus IX, which is recently discontinued and can be had for $85 if you know where to look... the new Nimbus X is standard pricing ($115ish)... and has a weird (good-weird) new lacing system.
I loved the IX. I love the X's. Long live the Nimbus.
I love your line of doubting yourself is defeating.
did you make that up?
there's a title for one of your many books!
I do not think it healthy to have a monogamous relationship with a particular style of running shoe. One needs change in the instance.
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