Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Personality Sucks

The (Brief) Ele's Race 5k Race Report

I'm still on vacation. And dripping with honey. I've taken a quick, sticky break to bring you this 5k report. I'm sweet like that. Really sweet, in fact.

Someone (I can't remember who and I'm not going to look it up while on vacation) once said that you run a race like this: The first mile with your head; the second mile with your personality; the third mile with your heart. Well, apparently my personality sucks. I ran an 18:22 a few weeks ago and I wanted to eclipse that and set the bar lower at 18:15 at Ele's Race. How did I do? Not well. 18:24 (since amended to 18:26 in the days that follow for some reason.)

Here's the comparison between the two 5k's:

Mile 1: -10 seconds! Looking good.
Mile 2: +16 seconds! WTF!
Mile 3: Even
Last .11:
-4 seconds!

What the f*** happened in mile 2??? The so called "personality" mile. Maybe I'm not super awesome but actually a shrinking violet? I felt pretty good too. There was a decent headwind going west in mile 2 but I followed a Lurchian fellow to help cut down on the wind. Then, half way through mile 2, we turned and had the wind at our backs. It makes no sense.

Maybe I shouldn't have started my vacation early. I do remember the honey starting to harden into a gooey paste sometime after the first mile.

Numbers? Yes, numbers:

Official time: 18:26
Official pace: 5:56
Overall place: 33rd of 1349
Age group: 4th of 64

Miles of 5:38, 6:09, 6:03 and last .11 of 36 secs (5:27 pace)

Back to ignoring all of you. Until next week.

Happy trails.


Ian said...

Well, I for one am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, to learn that your personality sucks. /heavy sarcasm.

David said...

It just can't be your personality. You had to deal with timing idiots, course-measuring idiots, slow-footed Lurchian idiots - oh the abuse.

Still, not a bad run give all you had to deal with.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Well, if your personality sucks, I guess you'll just have to get by on your looks.

Too bad for you, huh?

B. Kramer said...

I thought you were supposed to run the second third of a race with your legs. It's your legs that suck. You ran a shitty race. You blew it. Also, your personality sucks. Have a good vacation.

David said...

Viper's right, it's head, legs, heart. That must really sting.

Marlene said...

Clearly you had honey stuck to the bottom of your shoes!

Vava said...

By saying "personality" are you "just being nice"? I thought the saying went: you run the first third with your legs, the middle third with your head, and the last third with your heart. Perhaps you had too much honey stuck to the roof of your mouth and in that second mile (running with your head) you were carrying extra weight, thereby accounting for the additional seconds.

Anyway, nice race nonetheless!

Anonymous said...

IGNORE away.
Par for the course with your apparent personality flaws. *sarcasm*

Unknown said...

Hmmm... maybe there is something you are not telling us. Since you are technically on vacation, maybe.. maybe.. you had too much to drink the night before the race.

X-Country2 said...

Plus 16?! How many girls chicked you with a time like THAT?

Beth said...

Maybe your personality is generous? I still think its a great time, so congrats. Have some good honey time.

nwgdc said...

The most likely explanation: Vandalism. I'm guessing one of the (many) enemies of FMS messed with the mile markers. Most likely Dick Beardsley or Vanilla.

Razz said...

I skipped over the post and just read the title.

By the way, I've thought that for quite some time.

Robin said...

I would blame the extreme heat (yes, that's it...the heat)!

Irene said...

I skipped over the post after reading the title and read the comments...

Personality mile? OK, so I read it.

mr loser said...

Great mile one. Seems to me that mile two is the bane of every 5k. Enjoy your vacation.

Irish Cream said...

It's okay; go ahead and admit it. Since Mile-2 is the "personality" mile, you were just letting your politeness shine through by letting everyone else go ahead of you. I mean, no wonder you suffered a +16 time differential during that mile! You're lucky it wasn't more, being that polite ;)

Ace said...

Well at least you can point out to random-speedmeasuring-walkingladies that EXCUSE ME you run UNDER six minute mile pace. Does that fit your personality?

audgepodge said...

"Well, apparently my personality sucks."


The Sean said...

Maybe it is your head that sucks... you went out 10 seconds faster leading to a downturn in your personality. You then recovered to finish well.

The Boring Runner said...

So, your personality is slow? Have you been watching more 80's sitcoms? That is the only thing that I can think of that would make your personality slow. Quoting Urkel etc. "did I do that???"