Thursday, November 09, 2006

Birthing the Blog - It's Crowning!

This blog has been operating in the dark crevices of Blogger Land for several months unbeknownst to (almost) everyone. It is a shell: structurally and aesthetically. Not much to look at. Updated infrequently. No bells or whistles. However, I have recently noticed some linking to this blog by some friends. Oops. I guess I should have worked on this thing a little more. I feel like that moment when you get up early, smelly and uncombed and wearing last nights clothing, and try to get a newspaper at the local gas station only to run into several people you know. And they are looking you up and down like 'what the heck happened to you!?'

So, I should get this thing together a little bit. I'll bring in the blogterior decorator to measure for new drapes and show me some color swatches. Give me a few days and I'll see if I can turn this from the boring, basic template to something suitable for a special layout in Better Blogs & Gardens.

1 comment:

Nitmos said...

So what are you doing back here?